BTW this year has not sucked for abby it just wasn't what she expected it to be. and that doesn't mean she doesnt love all the new people she met or didnt have a fantastic time at all the new places she went and that she didnt take anything away from all the amazing experiences with these new people and at all these new places. she has actually learned a lot about herself. she has had a fantastic time with her newest bff and is leaving with priceless memories that will last her forever.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Posted by abby at 10:36 PM 1 comments
Mighty Mercury

Posted by abby at 10:23 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 16, 2008
haha lilliana crossing the finish line!
lol i thought this would be funny. she is so cute :)
Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at
Posted by abby at 3:32 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
OMG! Ok I have been looking forward to going to it like all year. So it finally rolls around and I and super excited! Like you dont even know how jazzed I was about this thing! So right after school me and nikki and paige went back to my house to chill for a while before it started. So then when we finally go to the Spring Fling we met Emily, Kyle, and Marcus. Then we saw Anja and Annie and Emily and Lauren and Jaime and Phillip and EVERYBODY was thgere it was so much fun! so i also met a lot of the 7th and 8th graders. i met mitchell bartlett and tiava. they are really cool but mitchall is really short. and so we then me and paige and phillip and nikki all went on this bear spinny ride ting but our bear didnt really spin so we just watched zade make funny faces. so then i went with anja to get her first cotton candy EVER! i couldnt believe it was her first one ever! so then we went to the cake walk and i saw one of anjas dance friends she was very kool. so then everybody wanted to go on that bear ride again and wait in this big long line of people. so me and anja and paige and philip were like no way we aint waitin in this line so we were all like out of there so we went on this bouncer tiger with this kid that we didnt know and we were all playing ring around the rosies! so we were all jumpin around in there and anja almost puked! so then we got out and the first thing philip said was, "can we go wash our hands?" now if you didnt know philip you wouln't get it but if you do know phillip you would get it. :) so then we go wahs our hands and then we walk back out to go see how all the others were doing. so when we walk out there they are all laying down in the grass about to puke. nikki emily and jd were all sitting there and like being all quiet and what not so everyone else is like im outta here. so i stay with my sick friends and we are all just chillin and then aj and bryce come up with 2 leter sodas threatening to our them on us. luckily they didnt get us. so then nikki and emily and jd refueled and we were off for more fun. so we went and just kinda were talking and dalton got this like popcicle thing and he took a really big bite of it and made all these funny faces. like you kinda had to be there to know how funny it was. and then phillip and lauren start fighting as usual and of course annie has to get in on the fight to so i went over there and started making fun of them becuz they like philip or watever. haha the always get mad when i do that. so then afterthat me and anja went off to find some jamba juice and after 10 minutes of walking around the school we finally found the jamba juice stand! so i got a smothie that was very yummy. and then we went and talked sum more and before we knew it it was time to go! so that was spring fling!
Posted by abby at 8:50 PM 1 comments
yo sorry my blog has been all messed up latley i like just got around to fixin git so here ya go!
Posted by abby at 8:49 PM 0 comments